
How To Complete the Correct Squat


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Step 1
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step 2
Squat as if you’re going to take a seat in a chair. Your knees should never go over your toes

Step 3
Step back into place.


Squat Modifications

If you have bad knees, you may have some trouble performing squats. Here are a few modifications to try before giving up:

  • Limit your range of motion – if you begin to feel pain when you’re reaching the 90 degree angle with your knees, try starting off with just a 20 degree angle and gradually increase it.
  • Wall Squats – Stand with your head and back against the wall, placing your feet about two feet in front of you. Feet should be hip-distance apart. Bend your knees and slide your back down the wall until your knees reach your preferred angle.

Fit Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

Putting groceries away in your cabinets is the perfect opportunity for squats! Leave the grocery bags on your floor and, instead of bending down to pick up items, lower yourself down in squat form.

Get Your Family Involved

If you’re out at the park with a small child, try holding your child as you squat down on a park bench. Keep holding onto them as you drive through your heels and stand back up.
You can let your kids join in on the fun by incorporating animals into squats. Give yourself a shark fin and pretend your fin is peaking through the water as you rise from your squat.


Split Your Workout Into Smaller Segments
If finding a full 30 minutes is too difficult, then try to split that up into three 10 minute workouts. If you work in an office, try taking a brief 10 minute walk outside. Not only will you be active, but it may also improve your energy level at work.